Tuesday, November 17, 2015

cat breeds

Cat breeds

This post will be on cat breeds I will try to get them all if I miss some that you know please tell me in the comments. first we have the 


    abyssinian cat
  • Size: Medium, 8 to 16 lbs
  • Energy Level: 5/5
  • Talkative: 4/5
  • Coat: Short and thick with agouti or ticked bands
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Sign: Sagittarius
  • Seeking: Engaged, active and interactive humans
  • Child Friendly: Not really, kids bore me
  • Personality Snapshot: Extremely active, curious and mischievous, has a fondness for showing off
it is a great cat for the married couples this is a beautiful cat they are really active and don't like to sit still.

My cats health

My cats health

Hi this blog is going to help cat owners understand there cat we are going to have a list of cat breeds and illness and grooming tips and litter box training and so much more there will be a new post every day excepted on Wednesday Friday Saturday and Sunday I hope this blog helps. Make sure you get every day and check for a new post I will also make a My dogs health post and My rabbits health I will tell you when they are up thank you.